Our People

Hover on one of our associates to find out more.

Alex, Ponziani

Product Designer / Videographer
Main Work Areas
Product Design-Videography-Photography
I like to work on the entirety of the design process, from initial ideas all the way to launch strategies. I love design and to hear about brilliant ideas.

Vincent Mccloskey oii

Photographer / Videographer
Main Work Areas
Vinnie's cool and collected demeanour and seasoned knowledge of the photography world make him a great pick for any projects that involve Photoshoots and clientele.

Gianluca Kaja

Sound Designer
Main Work Areas
Sound Design-Editing-Production
Gianluca's first class attention for detail, technical knowledge and immersion in the audio world makes him a perfect fit for any project in need of sound design and production.

Patricia Guseynova

Fashion / Graphic Designer - Photographer
Main Work Areas
Fashion-Photography-Graphic Design
Patricia's Involved and determined personality, paired with her excellent visual and photographic taste, always seem to lead projects in unseen and unique direction.